A sea further...
Love is like the sea – tide and flood, it comes and goes, bounds and binds us up and still permits us, to discover ourselves and new spaces. One wants to break free, looking for the far-away, the other shore, desiring the foreign and fearing it at the same time. It is easy to stay in the near, in the usual...who will dare to cross the ocean?

- Artistic director & choreography: Annett Paschke
- Scene 4: Thomas Piontek
- Music: Hannes Scheffler
- Costumes: Anett Hoffmann
- Prop: Heiko Hunger und Jens Scharf
- Make-up: Julia Knauf
- Technical consulting: Thomas Herda
- Dancing: Monique Baum, Ellen Brix, Anne-Kristin Frank, Anja Klautzsch, Ines Jaschinski-Kramer, Susanne Quednau, Franziska Schaff, Anna Schnitzer und Susanne Steuer