Category F_29
So few letters
A short sound
Can’t pronounce it
Not write it
Not call my own”
The state of losing oneself, of the shifting of mind and body from their original unison are the impulses that the freie theater nordlichten (Hildesheim) and the dance theater ellaH (Halle) used for their first common stageplay: while there is, at the beginning, an I standing on stage in its wholeness, it is coming apart in the course of the play in different thoughts, feelings and actions, until it completely disappears. The symbiosis of dance and spoken theater entails multifaceted possibilities, to bring the course of a psychose, for which F29 is the clinical abbreviation, gradually to the stage. The play carefully starts to empathise by staging the recountings of those concerned: people, who’s routine and normality have been lost and who have to find a new position for themselves in the artificial world of the clinic. A solo-symphony of nervously flickering images, opposed to strongly tinkering guitar music, can be expected. It is an aesthetic attempt of figuring out the boundaries between hope and resignation.
An ensemble of people with very different biographical backgrounds is grappling with a widely spreading, but strongly taboo subject. They are not professional dancers in the classical sense. Each one came with another (hi)story to dance theater/acting and each one has next to this artistic work an entirely different demanding everyday world.

- Direction: Annett Paschke, Matthias Spaniel
- Dramaturgy: Kathrin Weber-Krüger
- Music: Hannes Scheffler
- Costumes: Anja Scholz
- Stage & Light: Christian Meinke
- Production management: Livia Makrinus
- With: Cornelia Baeßler, Livia Makrinus, Veit Merkle, Franziska Schaff, Anna Schnitzer, Fabian Schütze, Margund Weber und Anita Wuttke